Crash passing args in TextWatcher when orientation has changed

I have a fragment with a TextWatcher on an edittext and the onTextChanged sends the current edittext string to a method in a DatabaseHelper class (extends SQLiteOpenHelper) to check it. If I change the orientation (I do it twice to return to normal position), the app crashes when passing the string to this method.

I tried testing whether the savedInstanceState is null (in various positions in both fragment and fragmentActivity) but the result was that there’s no TextWatcher after the orientation change.
I tried doing the addTextChangedListener in onPostCreate in the fragmentActivity (as suggested here) but that didn’t help.
Also tried
but that didn’t help.
The crash comes at myDbHelper.findCurrencyCode.

The solution was found in stackoverflow and was to use android:configChanges=”orientation|screenSize” in manifest, ie.

            android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" >


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